Other Side Of The Rainbow

What are we to do on the other side of the rainbow?

Life does not cease to bring us storms. No matter the condition we are in we face them. But, for every storm we face there is a rainbow. The rainbow reminds us that in every storm there is a promise of victory. The rainbow reminds us of the growth, strength, and miracles that occur as we traverse life’s storms. It is a moment of relief that we have survived. But what comes next? What are we to do on the other side of the rainbow?


…basking in the wonder of this rainbow, I found myself in a way paralyzed.

I have recently come to the other side of a rainbow. A miracle of such magnitude in my life that I have really struggled with how to ever write about it the way it deserves, if I write about it at all. It is another story in itself and a story that hopefully I can write soon. As I found myself basking in the wonder of this rainbow, I found myself in a way paralyzed. Was I awe-struck! Was I in such amazement that I could not move, speak, or think. Or was I just plain scared that now I was in an unfamiliar place with no control over what was to happen next. In the storm it had become normal, I felt like I had some sort of control of my day-to-day routine, and now that was all turned upside down.

There was a part of me that desired to back into the storm.

As an alcoholic I needed my routine of destruction. In life today, I have grown accustomed to a routine of purpose. I had spent two and half years praying daily and preparing for this rainbow. Like an athlete training for the Olympics, I was being prepared through my patience to be able to walk in confidence in this miracle. But when I found myself standing in the glory of His miracle, I was frozen. There was a part of me that desired to go back into the storm. I was comfortable in that role, I had become great in that role. How was I to know if I was really ready to handle everything that for so long I had been asking for.

It is through the storm that we are ready to seize what is waiting for us on the other side of the rainbow. 

Through each storm in life we face we are presented with opportunities for growth, to become stronger, to become ready for battle. It is training for the fight of fulfilling our purpose. We must be careful that as we are perfected by God through our patience that we do not become complacent in just training. The storms purpose is to bring us to that stage of victory. Where we are then fully equipped to further our purpose in helping others and in being exactly who we were always meant to be. It is through the storm that we are ready to seize what is waiting for us on the other side of the rainbow.

Coming through the storm

I had to realize that I was not anywhere near the same person who walked into that storm. I had to realize that I had been prepared to handle this moment. That through those two and a half years of struggle I had been molded into a warrior on purpose. All those involved had been changed and prepared by God and His promises. I was finally ready to step into this victory. Ready to walk in confidence in who I was showed me I did not need the comfort of the storm. I was equipped to deal with the wonder of the other side of the rainbow. So I slapped myself a few times, picked up my armor, and with confidence received the miracle I had believed so much for.


We must take our rainbows and use it as the hope for others.

A true miracle had hit my life. There is no other way to describe the complete change in the situation that had occurred. People I had never even met had been placed in positions to turn things for the better. Relationships that had become frayed beyond repair had been restored to ones of compassion and forgiveness. It was more than going from night to day, it was the impossible to the possible. God can move mountains if we believe, I have seen it firsthand. The lesson I  received in the miracle was to apply all that I learned during the storm. That was the storm’s purpose. We must take our rainbows and use it as the hope for others.

Her smile showed me the why behind all the struggle.

Storms are going to come. That is a certainty of life. But they serve a purpose. They are used to mold us into the warriors we have been created to be. We must not let the rainbows we receive lose their glory in our failure to act. The miracles that we receive are not meant to elevate us, they are meant to elevate the One who brought them to us. For a moment I stood frozen in the glory of my miracle, I was not used to the victory, I had grown dependent on the storm. I was quickly reminded of my purpose. Her smile showed me the why behind all the struggle. So I stood tall, grabbed my weapons, and walked with courage to the other side of the rainbow. As I wait for the next storm, I am to share the light of this miracle all I can. My greatest joy has returned and I live now without regret. Read more about my greatest joy and the smile worth a million storms.




Comments 2

  1. Just warms my heart man. Walking with you in this thing, this post means a lot to me because I know all that it represents. Isn’t it funny, that desire in alcoholics like us for the chaos? I agree, when we get accostumed to something–even terror, fear, doubt etc–it’s hard to let it go.

    We started this online journey together Kip. Back in January. If you weren’t the first connection I made, you were among the first. And now look at us–you and Kam–it’s just special man, really special. I can tell you took your time choosing how to express this miracle. And it was worth that time. This is an incredible post.

    1. Post

      I appreciate your feelings on this one. It is amazing to see how far we have come in this past year. It has been a blessing to have made the connections we have that help us and inspire us in doing what we do. Took me awhile to express what I have been feeling, I am hoping that I can write about the actual experience soon but all the credit goes to God and His mercy, love, and forgiveness. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but the promises do come true.

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